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The rantings, views and commentary of a right-winged criminal justice student on current events, politics, law, and even life. The goal of this blog is to allow the writer to vent on articles and experiences that make him angry and to open up discussions in a hostile atmosphere. So please sit back and relax as I convert you to the dark side.

Location: Kansas, United States

I'm a single 23 year-old Christian (non-denom) male from an undisclosed location in Kansas. I am in the process of furthering my education and hopefully starting up a career in law enforcement.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Score one for the anti-abortionist.

And rightfully so!

The Supreme Court ruled today that the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt organization Act) cannot be used against anti-abortion protestors.

What they have said is what everyone knows for the most part. Anti-abortion protest generally do not involve violence, are not for profit, do not involve the loss of property. The law was designed to go after organized crime syndicates. Not religious groups.

On this day....

Some interesting post at a different forum on nuclear weapons brought me to a site and the first thing I read about happened on this exact day in 1954!

And the nuclear weapon was almost twice as big as they predicted. They thought it would be a max of 8 and it rated out at 15 mega tons which radiated some army personnel and some civilians in the bikini area. Kinda makes it a bit frightening now that they are playing with black holes under Cincinatti

Monday, February 27, 2006

Atlantis Retirement

It looks like the space shuttle program is winding down.

It makes sense. It would cost a lot to do a two year maintenance job only to fly it a few times. The shuttles were not exactly what they were supposed to be. They couldn't fly on their own power and never ventured into deep space. But with that said. There is something sad about seeing the end of a space project that I've known all my life.

I hope they keep all three of them around and not toss them off as scrap or obsolete.

Underwater Airplane What the?!

Very weird. Here is an article on the Cormorant. A very odd looking plane that could be deployed from the missile tube of an Ohio class sub.

Seems neat, but probably way too costly to develop for such limited uses it would have. A much cheaper already existing predator drone could do the same mission.

Justice or Injustice?

CNN covers a case about a lady who was ran over by a man and his 15-year-old daughter who he was trying to teach how to drive.

Richard Miller was giving his 15-year-old daughter, who wasn't old
enough to have a learner's permit, a weekend lesson in an empty parking lot last
April when she sped across a street, jumped a curb and landed on a lawn where
Sarah McGinley was playing with her 1-year-old daughter.
McGinley, 18, tossed
the infant to safety moments before she was struck and killed in front of her
fiance's home.

...Prosecutors said Miller's daughter hit the gas pedal instead of the
brake. Miller said he tried unsuccessfully to push the brake pedal with his
hands as the car surged toward McGinley.
Miller, 47, pleaded guilty last
month to involuntary manslaughter. He could have gotten a year in prison.
His daughter pleaded guilty in juvenile court in June to causing the
accident and was sentenced to 200 hours of community service.
apologized Monday to about a dozen members of the victim's family in
"Every hour I mourn for your daughter," he said. "I am terribly sorry
for the tragic loss of Sarah. Please know that you are in my prayers
The judge also ordered Miller to pay $7,500 to cover funeral
costs, and he must pay an amount to be determined for the mother's tombstone. A
civil case also is pending.
In keeping Miller out of prison, Judge Benjamin
Lerner cited his "exemplary life," his lack of a criminal record and his guilty

"She was a wonderful young woman," said her mother, Betty McGinley, who
thought the sentence should have been harsher.
She said the baby, Victoria,
still asks for her mother.
"Do you know what it's like to hear a 22-month-old
baby tell her baby doll that her mother left?" McGinley said.

I think it would have been an injustice to punish Mr. Miller and his daughter more so than that. What happened was awful, tragic, and very unfair but he wasn't out and out negligent. He didn't want anyone killed. He has to live with this for the rest of his life. Sometimes justice is used as a tool of vengeance, sometimes it is not. In this case I believed that society is served better with keeping this man out of prison.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Age Gauge

This is very cool!

I was....

18 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America
17 years old on the first day of Y2K
14 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash
12 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
11 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
10 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center
8 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
6 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
3 years old when the space shuttle Challenger explodeda
1 year old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
not yet 1 year old during Sally Ride's travel in space

I remember everything going on up until I was six. Then events become a blur.

Google Fight!

And now for something completely different.


"Right to Keep and Bear Arms" vs "Sensible Gun Laws".

Right to keep wins over sensible with 568,000 to 15,400

Star Trek vs Star Wars

Star Wars sadly wins, with 104,000,000 45,500,000

Any more to fight?

Where's a reporter when you need one?

Also from Kevin.

I think the whole shooting is much grit over a small affair. The media has proven to be the new smear-company for the democratic party. I have never seen them report to any mass degree on democrats when they did anything negative. (Michael Bloomburg in D.C. being robbed by his drug-dealer and testing positive for coke comes to mind.) And throwing a fit that Cheney didn't run to the nearest reporter to say he's sorry is an utterly act of stupidity.

Most of the time when a reporter screams they are doing a service to the public, they are usally not.

Intellectuals are enemies of Society....

My friend Kevin at The Smallest Minority has done a very interesting fisking on intellectuals. The posting itself goes into other interesting thoughts but one quote stands out to me.

Eric Hoffer: First of all, I ought to tell you that I have no grievance
against intellectuals. All that I know about them is what I read in history
books and what I've observed in our time. I'm convinced that the intellectuals
as a type, as a group, are more corrupted by power than any other human type.
It's disconcerting to realize that businessmen, generals, soldiers, men of
action are less corrupted by power than intellectuals.

That is a very interesting truism to life.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Religious Hallucinogens OK!

The Supreme Court has ruled that if your church uses drugs to find God. It is alright.

Add one more point to freedom. And one to druggies everywhere. :P

Just kidding. If a group strongly believes they need ceremonial acid to find God, where and why can the Government draw the line?

Trip on mail? You can sue!

Why does this have me believing that the Postal Service will now be hit with a huge wave of lawsuits.

Back to the Moon?

Interesting little , ergh... big article.

There may be a more economical reason to head back.

I've heard different thougts on the helium-3 project. I originally heard about it on the radio with great fascination. It is a element emmitted by the sun that is extremely rare here because of our atmosphere. There is some thoughts and studies that suggest it can be used to make energy and depending on the source, could be both lucrative and jump-start our space abilities as much as World War 2 increased our technological abilities .

25 tons of this stuff will fit into the space shuttle. If 25 tons of material can power the needs of the United States for a year. This will get us into space, this will create an economical interest to do so, and in return help us develop a more efficient energy infastructure, will give us interplanetary bases, and really get the age of space travel off the ground for anyone who wants to go.

Ball Game

I worked a basketball game recently. Although I'm not by any means a great sports fan it is even better seeing one in person than on tv. We were beaten badly though in both mens and womens games.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Atari dying?

I am a gamer at heart. So I find this interesting.

Atari has died and been reborn again so many times its almost funny! I'm not sure what is going on. Infogrames seem to have been running them right, just a few lousy games, hurt brand recognition, and lack of focus is probably what caused this to happen.

Translated, atari is the chess equivelent of "check" in Japanese...I think. Funny how they always are.

Supreme Court and Church Privacy

A little update via CNN.

Just saying that the Catholic Church is fighting records access and the prosecution says it has rights to view it. No surprise on both fields.

Danger Zone...

Just experienced my first serious incident. Sort of... Got a call from a Hall Director stating that I needed to get to a building stat. Lot of screaming and yelling and noise in the background that pretty much freaked me out. I got there and the Hall Person told me everything was under control, nothing more was needed, no reports, no police. Etc. Well I told them if it gets physical again police get called and people go to jail. Well I checked out location in question and finding everyone settled down and the offending party gone. No one really got physical with eachother in the first place so it was a bad assumption. Some thing was broke but no one was particularly upset about it.

These are always such a interesting thing to look back on. I really didn't know what I was going to do up until I showed up and even afterward it was vague. It is something you got to play by ear, feel, and mind and pray you make the right decision. A lot of people look at you for decisions and making the wrong one can escalate a situation and ruin things for all. I'm just glad I work with a good crew full of professionals that I can trust my life with.

And I do admit it was a bit scary. But you put your game face on and deal with it to your best ability.

Rules for all!

My gosh! Even the Olympics have some pretty stupid rules.

Disq'd for skies being 0.2 MM too thin? Disqualified for not zipping up your shirt all the way? Someone's a bit on the anal side.

Genghis Khan: Superstar!

Fascinating.... I didn't know Genghis Khan was adored so much. It is kinda like Dracula syndrome. Vlad Tepes being known as a mass murderer to all but those who live in Romania.

Talk about culture-barrier.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

No Downtime

I just got done working a 11-7 shift. Came home to sleep and after getting up at 1:00 PM I get to go in and work 3:00 PM to 11:00! Woohoo!

I'm not complaining. It is a nice job that keeps me busy. They are flexible and nice with scheduling. And I've been pretty lazy the past year.

Now I got to wean myself from the junkfood. Its been a bad week where convenience overrides common sense. (And for those who personally know me you know its bad when I complain about what I eat!)

I wonder if those brown sugar oatmeal envelopes are any good..... Not the epitome of health food but far better than fast food and foil-wrapped chips.

Oh, and another kicker is it has been freezing cold here the past 4 or so days. Walking around campus for an hour in minus 10 conditions really sucks! Three layers of clothes do make it bearable. Aside from the stabbing pain the face receives from ice-pick-ish winds.

Ociffer, I been haven 't drinking.

YES! I just received my police uniform! I am now a reserve with a small town police department!

It was a very long process. But I have over time earned their trust and hope to keep it. And since it isn't cheap to hire and outfit us. I hope they get more than their time and dollars' worth.

I could have probably gone full time police officer easily somewhere else. But I still think I have a lot to learn about enforcement and community relations. So this is a great start.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More habitable planets?

Interesting link once again on space. (I'm a space freak.)

There's a formula that is thrown out every now and again that the chances of earth-like planets with an earth-like solar system, (I think our sun is actually called Sol:) out there are slim. Therefore it would be hard to find life out there. But even with the astronomically low chances there should be some ten-thousand earth-type systems out there with that many depository of earth-like environments. With this new finding that more planets can form under worse conditions I wonder if it throughs the solar system matching formula off.

Just something to think about next time you look at that star-filled sky.

I hope this post makes sense, since I know I've been up way to long and my cognitive processes are starting to fail me. I hate waking up the next day and marveling at some stupid thought I've made.

Police dog dies in the line of duty.

This is really sad.

A bomb-sniffing dog working to keep the NBA All-Star Game safe from an attack
died Wednesday morning during a safety check at the George R. Brown Convention
Center, KPRC Local 2 reported.
An official with the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said a K-9 unit jumped off a ramp and fell
about 50 feet to the ground below at about 1:30 a.m.
Officers were checking
the convention center for explosives in preparation for the NBA All Star Game
this weekend when Mikey, a 4-year-old black Labrador, ran off a parking ramp as
he chased a bird.

Poor thing. I really think police dogs are one of the most amazing things out there. Sniffing out drugs and bombs and genereally keeping people, and law enforcement much safer in the process.

Does insurance cover freak storms?

NASA has found superstorms on the planet Mars

Lightning ten times as powerful as that on Earth? WOW!

Going Solo

Tonight was my first night working on my own as a security officer at an undisclosed location*. Before I went out we ate at a restaurant and I asked a guy there who used to be a student why security got so much respect. He said it was because of a combination of enforcement policies and how they could pretty much ruin anyone and how nice the officers generally were to everyone they interacted with and a few other factors. Which surprised me because I'm been called everything from rent-a-pig to... Well stuff I won't mention here.

Anyway tonight was very interesting. Very very nice out. Kinda haunting because there was more noise tonight than all my other training nights doubled and combined. I thought something was going to go down or bad because of how active everyone was but patrolling through all the buildings and dorms I didn't find anything out of place.

I really like the interaction. I got along great with the instructors and some students at the last place I worked at but here it is different. You are a bit factioned off from everybody but they actually see you as an authority and protection figure here. Interaction and being chatty is just as easy if not easier than the last place. Of course I have opened up more than I was when I did the other university run. So that could factor in a bit.

(*For my friends who know me, please keep the location secret. I don't want to sensor post, and I don't think I'd ever be punished for writing political rantings on the net. And I'll never compromise the privacy of my employers, victims, or suspects. But I have known people whose careers were laid to waste by just one person with an agenda or no life. It is not right but it happens.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

WOOHOO! Dentist Visit!!!

Well I had to go to the dentist today to get a filling done. They nicely filled me up with Nitrious Oxide and Novacaine before working so I did not and still have not felt any pain. For for as icky of a procedure it is they made it a very nice visit.

Oh yeah, I hit on one of the hygenist a bit. I never really do that sort of thing. But I figured between being lonely on Valentine's Day, she being cute, the off chance it may work, being high as an excuse to my behavior, and to compliment here, why not?

Conceal and Carry Weapons Bill

We have passed a CCW bill once again! This would be the 4th Time now.

Vote was 29 to 11 to pass. With 29 votes that is two more than needed to over-ride a veto that will likely be used by Gov. Sebelius. For my readers outside the U.S. a veto is where the person who signs the law decides it is a law that is not needed and removes from the process. In that case a 2/3 majority is needed to over-ride a veto.

Since six democrats voted for the bill I imagine and predict that they won't go against their democratic governor and over-ride the measure and therefore CC in Kansas will be dead.

But I'm not good at predictions and have been wrong before. But I don't see that happening here.

If I recall correctly, the last time it was up we failed to over-ride by one vote.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Asteroid Tractor

I think nuclear weapons are a cheaper, better option since I'd figure explosions would yield foot/pound movement, but this is still an interesting idea to play around with.

Historic Day for me!

I issued my first ticket today.

I felt kinda bad. The person I issued it to popped out just as I was placing it. I am still in the training process and was told that even if they pop out, after the ticket is written they have to take it.

The person was real nice about it. Didn't call me any names, cuss me out, or threaten me or threaten to appeal. This is a whole lot different than my last job. Where even briefly mentioning "You're a bit late" gets you cussed out for ten minutes.

U.N. Ask for U.S. Help

This is news?

Its like recycling old headlines. I bet the French will surrender if the U.S. goes in. (Another recycled headline.)

Kwan Retires from Olympics

I am not a follow of any sports in any fashion. Two days before the SuperBowl I had to ask who was playing. Anyone who thinks I am a heathen needs to understand I had a bad childhood when it came to sports. I know that factors in. (So everyone remember that next time you throw a fit at a ball game, you may ruin your sport by turning off the fans and the dollars that support it.)

Anyway, I do know who Michelle Kwan is. And it is a tragedy that she won't be able to get one last chance at a medal.

She is talented, has the drive, has the never-quit attitude, and the moves. What it all came down to is wear and tear.

Goodluck and Godspeed Miss Kwan! I hope you find something that will make your life as fulfilling as the Olympics.

VP Shoots Lawyer...

A new party platform?

I know its pretty tragic. Any hunting accident is. But I had a rather audible laugh today when I read the headline.

Atleast the guy will live, and is not bitter. I hope they stay friends.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Graf Spee

Investors are attempting to salvage Graf Spee.

I have an interest for any and all things that are WW2 related. The history is fascinating, the events, the scale, the ideologies of all sides. It is all an amazing point of history that needs everything done to be preserved. So no one forgets and history never repeats.

"Be More Selective"

Hawaii says it has a problem. It has too many tourist.

In 2005, the islands welcomed 7,457,297 visitors who spent a record $11.5
billion, according to the latest state figures.
Tourism industry officials,
however, warn that Hawaii is at or very close to capacity and are being more
selective in attracting those they consider the most desirable tourists.


But Hawaii's target market is shifting toward "activity-seeking
travelers" -- rich people who golf, spend hours in a spa, island-hop and can
afford the overpriced snacks inside a hotel room's mini bar.

Let me translate. We don't want more people. We want less people who spend more dollars. This here reaks a bit of communism. Or republicanism for my democrat readers, since a bit of capitalism is involved. But the idea of keeping a lower class away because they'd affect the quality of service or because they don't spend as much is stupid. Hawaii is already overpriced as it is and I'd bet my hula that it will only go higher.

The persons in tourism just need to remember, that even though they can set prices. They can price themselves out of the market. Last time I checked a comfy 4 star hotel with airfaire trip to some Caribbean island for 4 for 5 nights was a low $1800. (In a special travel section in paper, out of season, etc...) They could price themselves out of being the family vacation center and the Atlantic Caribbean could be the next Hawaiian resort.

Politician Vs. Politician.

This is very bizarre.

No comment.

Skunke le Pew!

My trainer and I were out last night on Security and it so happened a skunk ran through campus. Real funny because some girls were walking down the side walk and got real close before realising what it was. Then they let at that typical girl half yell half outburst of grossness shriek.

I told my trainer, I think this is a bit above my pay code. He said that goes same for him.

I am still trying to get used to the hours. They are a bit weird.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Puppies = Big Rats!

Our black lab just had a litter and they were living in my little sisters' room. I didn't know she moved them into the laundry until yesterday. In my just-awakened sleep-induced stuper I went into the laundry room to find it crawling with rats and about had a heart attack when I almost stepped on one. Oh the joys of brotherhood!

Police Chief, Chiefs' Wife, Mayor in hot water.

the teaser says it all.

The mayor was arrested in a corruption probe, the police chief is accused in
a drug-making scheme, and the prosecutor says the chief's wife took prisoners
from jail to have sex with them - and more arrests could be coming.

Talk about a corrupt town. The whole department and city must be involved. Hopefully the Prosecution will go for force with the charges. Corruption by public officials is not acceptable.

McD's wrong about fatty fries....

McDonalds Corporation has just found out that their nutritional information on their fries is false.

Ten to one that they get sued over this oversight. Nevermind the fact that nutritional information is not legally required to be published at restaurants.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Job....

I just recently became employed again and had to start training last night. It is pretty much the same thing as my last job. Working private security for a college. The shifts are kind of icky but I'm my own boss and have a lot of responsibility. When I get settled in I might buy a walkman with one of those small earpieces and listen to Coast To Coast AM while on duty. That would hopefully keep the nights from being too slow. I have citation powers here which I am both excited and scared about. I think it will be a good babystep into law enforcement.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Holy Cow!

2-footed upright-walking six feet tall Crocodile with beak walked the Earth at one time!

I don't know if I would laugh if I ever saw such a thing, or have the hell scared out of me.

Scientist Discover World's Smallest Fish

I don't think these guys understand the basic concept of fishing.

Mature females of the Paedocypris progenetica, a member of the carp
family, only grow to 7.9 millimeters (0.31 inches) and the males have enlarged
pelvic fins and exceptionally large muscles that may be used to grasp the
females during copulation, researchers wrote in the Proceedings of the Royal
Society, published Wednesday by the Royal Society in London.

Interesting that they live in an acid bath, and that their habitate is disappearing. Maybe we need more acid rain.

Supreme Court looks at private church records

This is very very interesting.

To summerize L.A. prosecution is attempting to obtain records of staff at a church to see if they have any written record of crimes. Church says it violates church and state clause of Constitution.

On one hand I wouldn't want to handcuff police in the practice of searching businesses for crimes of embezzlement or Enron-type collapses. Such a case would be similar to this one and a ruling for the church could hinder paper record investigations. But on the other hand I don't like the idea of the Government being allowed access to church records for most criminal searches. Look at Nazism and what they did with the Catholic and other churches during the Holocaust.

We will have to see how the S.C. stands on this. I would bet they will state it would be legal to look at church records for criminal investigations. We'll just have to see if it is the right choice.

Guess who is right again?

HAHA! Right-winged? Get it?

Anyway in an earlier post I allude to the fact you can't do an abortion ban in one big sweep. Well the U.S. Supreme Court has knocked down a law that has just attempted that.

History repeats and repeats and repeats......

One interesting tidbit...

One possibility is that they were doing a favor to Chief Justice Roberts
permitting him to avoid having to take a stand on Roe so early in his
Suppose Justice Scalia or Thomas had written either a dissent or a
opinion explaining that he disagreed with Roe but was going along
with the
majority in this case. In that event, Chief Justice Roberts would
have faced a
difficult choice: On the one hand, if he joined the separate
opinion, he would be signaling a willingness to overturn Roe.
On the other hand,
if he did not join such a separate statement, he would be
signaling a
willingness to join the majority in preserving Roe. By remaining
Justices Scalia and Thomas spared Chief Justice Roberts the
obligation to "out"
himself, one way or the other, on abortion--thereby
allowing him to send no
signal at all.

A newly appointed S.C. judge really shouldn't have to worry about coming out on
any issue. Once one is in it pretty much takes an act of God to remove
you. O'Connor had a large movement to remove her when she went more
moderate but it did not go anywhere. Roberts could
be waiting a good while to make a ruling to show that he is not
lying or acting in bad faith to the Senate, or he could be more of a
moderate than all realise. It doesn't matter because like I said before,
if they would put life or death exemptions in they'd get a legal bill
passed in a heartbeat and worry about all abortion later.


At church today our pastor made an interesting comment that had me thinking. He gave us a scenario about being in traffic and being cut off and getting ready to do something un-Christian like and than makes the comment: "Well, then you think of that phrase, 'What would Jesus Do?' and then you turn the other cheek and not do anything rude. " He then makes the point that WWJD is a good logo and ideology but if Christians have to constantly remind themselves then there is something wrong.

And I fully agree.

WWJD is one of the best symbolic statements of the faith. If it keeps someone from making un-Christian actions and thoughts so much the better. The biggest turn-off to Christianity is Christians not acting like Christ.

My attitude on life is like the song "Shine!" One of the best ways to show the values of Christianity is be fruitful, succesful, happy, and kind in life and people will notice. They won't notice if you have one set value for you and your church friends vs outside friends. For Christianity you don't show them it is all about rules and a set of code to live by but it is an act of faith for a more rewarding life. You don't want to segregate people by different classifications. Well. I do that a bit but only to keep alternating lifestyles from conflicting with eachother. I have Christian friends, and non-Christian friends from all society classifications Atheist and agnostic to liberal and conservatie Christian. I know drug users and pastors, those who are right with society norms and not. I wouldn't bring one of my druggie relatives to the next Lutheran party but I and my family will introduce Christians and non-Christians and for the most part they get along fine. Both groups can learn a lot from each other and grow.

And no, I'm not holier-than-thou either. I've had to step back and toss the WWJD stick into my thinking system. It is a good phrase, just if you have to utilize it a lot there are a few things you need to look at.

Make them wonder what you got
Make them wish that they were not
On the outside looking bored

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Conceal and Carry in Kansas

It appears via The Wichita Eagle that a new conceal and carry permit bill is in the works. I had a speech class last year and for my speech I created a speech with Power Point to support such legislation. I did my utmost best supporting this legislature knowing full well it will come up again. And now it has. I got a lot of great reviews. A lot of people asked several follow-up questions, not a person was against it or said anything negatively. Everyone was really mad when informed of the Washington D.C. and California standard. Where only the priviliged class could get handgun permits. Sen. Diane Feinstein of California herself said she'd ban every gun in America if she could get 51 votes in the Senate. And of course she has a firearms permit, one of the few that California releases to their elite.

Now for statistics.

Since 1990 46 states have signed up for conceal and carry weapons bills. 2 states don't require a permit to carry guns.

During this time not one of any of these states have had to repeal any of their laws do to abhorrent violations, mass scale of abuse, or gun fights out of western movies.

In fact, when such CCW legislation is enacted it shows statistical evidence in annual drops of violant person to person crimes that are evident in the FBI Uniform Crime Report.

In Florida 798,732 people are licensed to carry. Only 146 or .02 percent have been revoked due to firearm violations.

They just don't hand out these permits. The people who obtain them must prove that they are mentally competent, have a clean background, and a certain amount of skill and knowledge of the law to carry a weapon. Having an armed populace creates a trend where the crime rate goes down. In states where there is no conceal and carry crime rates statistically go up annually. If any one of your victims could be armed and kill you would you rop or rape them? The whole public benefites because anyone could possibly carry and it makes all criminals more leary and discourages criminal activities.

In Kansas the Legislature voted in by The People of The State of Kansas have consistently passed a concealed weapons bill. E-mails and regular mails and call-ins have all factored in in congressional voting. Then Gov. Graves in 1997 and current Gov Sebelius of 2004 have both vetoed Constitutional Conceal and Carry Bills that a majority of the people of Kansas committ their legislatures in passing. MRS. Sebelius is not upholding her office or the will of the people by these actions.

Idiot of the Year?

Got a call very early in the morning. Well, not early by anyone but my standards. Apparently, a friend who was at a drinking party got his vehicle stuck. And he did it in such a manner that it is surprising by even the intelligence scale I normally place him on. He saw a road closed sign and decided that it was probably a few pot holes and would take that road anyway. Well he had to drive around one of those six feet high by 12 feet wide signs that say "ROAD CLOSED DO NOT ENTER" which would clue anyone in that it is a road not to be taken. Well after going down this road a ways he drives into what I can only describe as a sandbar which is designed so vehicles sink into it. That is where his mode of transportation likely rest as I write this. I imagine that this is nifty safety idea to keep construction workers from being ran over. He proceeds to comment on how hard it is to find anyone willing to open a door to an inebriated man at early hours on a weekend. I was mad at first that I couldn't sleep in but after hearing his story I just realized that my life could be a lot worse off.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Wichita Police Department issued; utilize Tasers

The Wichita Police Department used their new tazers 3 times within the first 24 hours of their deployment.

In all instances they seem justifed in their use. There have been reports of taser abuse. Like nailing an eight-year-old or making a bed-ridden suspect confess. But when placed in ethical hands I believe this will be a great tool for law enforcement. As long as it isn't abused.

Soon I will be taking a ride on the Taser train. Report to follow.

Can you hear me now?

A man who sent out several letters-in-bottles got a rude reply regarding one.

"I recently found your bottle while taking a scenic walk on the beach by
Poole Harbour. While you may consider this some profound experiment on the path
and speed" of "oceanic currents, I have another name for it, litter."

The British always look out for the most negative side of things.

Which in itself is a bit weird. One English friend I have is actually very laid back and easy-going. Maybe it is just the discoverer.

Does blogging equal the media?

Once in a while I'll on occasion tap the next blog button above. Most of the blogs are pretty lame. Mine may even fit in that category. (Self-induced importance aside!) Some are decent. And then there is the interesting unique diamond in the rough.

One I stumbled on is KI Media. I haven't been able to get the whole story but I bet they are either not allowed to operate in-country officially, or this is a full-fledged news service that is utilizing the net and blogspot to publish news articles.

I am personally not very interested in Cambodian politics but the professional nature of the site and what it covers just amazes me how blogs can and do create change in society.

EKG = Pain!

Last week I had an EKG done on me for pre-employment reasons. In docterspeak it just means that they checked my heart and ran me like a lab rat to see if I'd die when I get into a foot chase. Well the process to get the machine hooked up to you is pretty painful.

They shave your chest to get all hairs off. That's not so bad. Then they take this swab of some sort and use their fingernails to dig it into your skin. It is not alcohol in that swab. It hurt ten times worse than alcohol does on an open wound. After that they get this green brillo type pad and literal wear off layers of skin. That combined with the paint thinner they put on earlier is a new experience in pain. I didn't know how bad the damage was until I saw parts of my chest scabbed over the next day. Oh yes, they have to tape the censors on so they hurt when it goes on and off and while you're bouncing up and down. The sweating that comes with the process only adds to the fun.

Oh yeah, this being a week later it still hurts to take a shower and clean myself. The spots on my chest turn red.

In other related news of self-induced pain I played some stupid computer game way too long and my eye is bloodshot and mildly in pain. So I will be going light on the geek tv for the next day or so.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some people take things way too seriously.

Apparantly, muslims world-wide are throwing a hissy fit that some Danish newspaper would dare publish a comic depicting Muhamed.

Grow up people. I see countless Jesus and Mary comics every year. You all will live if you have to experience it once or twice.

Howard Stern The Sellout....

I personally think he is one of the biggest pigs ever Now he is whining to the FCC that people are stealing his show. Funny that one year you fight with the FCC as to what you can air and the next you are wanting them to crackdown on people who create fansites.

Coolest quote:

"Mr. Freedom of Speech himself. Mr. $500,000,000 has ordered me to shut down my
PERSONAL Web site that some people stumbled upon," wrote the operator of
http://www.hearhoward.org , according to
the Rocky Mountain News. The site made Stern's show available for free but with
a disclaimer that only Sirius subscribers should use it.

Hehe. I hope his show goes belly up for him going so obviously corporate.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Why untied shoelaces and unsecured ancient Asian vases are a bad mix for museum curators.

Nintendo: Reborn!!!


My friends at The Jaded Gamer have created an article on the new Messiah brand NEX Nintendo system. It is basically a brand new and improved Nintendo Entertainment System. I love that system and games so much that I still play it on on a regular basis. One of these babies willbe gracing my shelves as soon as my job pulls through.

Wow! My above ramblings look like a Fox News Article. (search)

Oscars Smhoscers!

Well even as this article hints that the Red Carpet Night will not be as popular as the past few ones because Hollywood is covering issues that have been analysed years prior. I can agree to a point on that but I think more factors on overused storylines, too many sequels to count, and controversy for the sake of controversy is all that is needed to turn Hollyweird off from the mainstream public.

That and the Oscars for the past decade have been nothing more than a popularity contest. No one outside of that realm cares. Hence why viewership is in decline.