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The rantings, views and commentary of a right-winged criminal justice student on current events, politics, law, and even life. The goal of this blog is to allow the writer to vent on articles and experiences that make him angry and to open up discussions in a hostile atmosphere. So please sit back and relax as I convert you to the dark side.

Location: Kansas, United States

I'm a single 23 year-old Christian (non-denom) male from an undisclosed location in Kansas. I am in the process of furthering my education and hopefully starting up a career in law enforcement.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

You know you're crazy when.....

....you have a schizophrenic Defense.

Moussaoui claims one thing, his defense lawyers claim another. It is almost comical how the trial is going. And now he wants his life spared so he can be traded for American lives. Which is also funny because captured A.Q. said he was the most incompetent person they worked with. We can't do it anyway because we do not negotiate with terrorist.


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