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The rantings, views and commentary of a right-winged criminal justice student on current events, politics, law, and even life. The goal of this blog is to allow the writer to vent on articles and experiences that make him angry and to open up discussions in a hostile atmosphere. So please sit back and relax as I convert you to the dark side.

Location: Kansas, United States

I'm a single 23 year-old Christian (non-denom) male from an undisclosed location in Kansas. I am in the process of furthering my education and hopefully starting up a career in law enforcement.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Morons at the helm of the Denver Post

Kim du Toit reports that The Denver Post    think the police are shooting to many criminals justifiable.
In the first half of my continuing law enforcement training they teach us that we cannot shoot unless one of these circumstances are met:
1. A dangerous or violent felon is trying to escape police custody, or evade the police after the commission of a crime.
2.  The officer feels his/her life or the life of the another is in danger.
Pretty cut and dry right there.  Denver may be a little more lenient, I think Kansas is a bit more lenient but our instructor tries to teach us by the strictest state standards. Civilians  can't shoot fleeing felons but they can kill under a recent KS law change which allows one to use deadly force to protect property.  (Please check all local laws and regulations before you even consider owning a gun for self defense.)
I really don't see a problem in increased police shootings.  It means that LEO's  (Law Enforcement Officers,) are doing their job.  They are getting into the dirt and fighting the hell out of crime.  If crime fights back then crime is beaten down by whatever means are required to stop the crime and criminal.  I really don't see how that is law enforcements' fault.  The Supreme Court itself has said that no law enforcement officer should be forced to back down when met by force. This means that when someone resist violently the police should not have to wait until the situation dies down. If so it would encourage violence toward law enforcement and promotes violence in the criminal populace.  (Who's motto is "go with what works.") The S.C. has made bad calls before but this one is a good one.
Oh yeah, another thing they train us to do is to empty the gun until the threat goes down, if the threat doesn't go down, reload and repeat. Lethal force is just that, lethal.  Shooting someone in the arm can be just as lethal as shooting them in the heart, and shooting them requires that a major threat be made toward the officers before it is justifiable.  SO if a officer pulls a gun he probably has good reason to.   And injuring a suspect who has a lethal weapon is just stupid.  That just gives the offender more time and more reason to go for the kill.  If the Denver PD gets the same advice and training we do, which it sounds like, then they save the taxpayers a lot of hassle and they save their own lives.


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